We can take you through all the stages of your projects

The development and industrialisation of a complex new electrical product can sometimes be fraught with unexpected difficulties. Our team of Sirail project managers is there to anticipate any problems you may encounter and implement the appropriate countermeasures. Our project management engineers will propose innovative solutions to adapt flexibly to your project’s sometimes changing requirements and priorities.

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An experienced and trained team

To guarantee optimum performance and service levels in the follow-up of your project, we attach great importance to the training and support of Sirail project managers. In addition to initial theoretical and practical training, the Director for Projects provides ongoing support and coaching to all Project Managers. All our Project Managers share monthly their best practices so everyone and every one of your projects can benefit from the experience of all.


Defining your project together

In addition to personalized sales support from definition to delivery of the final product, some projects can require industrial and technical support from a project manager, even before the order is placed. This tailor-made support enables the clear definition of the technical and operational challenges of your project, and ensures maximum visibility in terms of Quality, Cost and Delivery.

On-time delivery

Information we owe you

At Sirail, we are fully aware that our customers need well-structured information to be able to make the right decisions. That’s why we strongly emphasize the project manager’s duty to provide information to his or her contacts.
At all times, the project manager must be able to report to you on the status of your project, the most important upcoming risks and any difficulties encountered, as well as proposals for overcoming these difficulties.

Progress report
Risk analysis

Mastering complexity

A project is always more complex than initially envisionned. The devil is in the details! Whether it is about changes to implement on the current production while taking into account the retrofit of all products already delivered and the availability of materials needed to implement them, or put in place a further qualification test that your customer suddely asks for and that needs to be done yesterday… all projects face challenges and Sirail must provide you the support that you need on each of them.
Our teams know how to master complexity. Our tools to manage the configuration of products and traceability enable you to keep control of your products and your projects. Our team of project managers will know how to build the reporting tools tailored for your project and thus share with you a common and comprehensive view of how your project is going.


Mastering changes

Electrical and electromechanical systems are very often designed late and installed very early in the manufacturing process, whatever the product sector. For this reason, Sirail is used to dealing with changes, all along the project duration, sometimes even up to the last production batches.
To choose Sirail is to make the choice of mastering your configuration!
Our internal porcesses are based on seasoned routines of transversal collaboration, taking the inputs of methods, purchasing, Supply Chain, production so as to make sure that the changes you require are properly implemented and that you know at all times which products at which revision have been delivered to you.

Configuration control
Transversal collaboration

Sourcing and Supply Chain

Whatever the nature of your electrical or electromechanical product, nothing is possible if you are faced with component supply problems, or if logistics flows are not adapted to the operational needs of your project. At Sirail, we work on a daily basis with the biggest names in electrical component supply, distributors and manufacturers, and we have established strategic partnerships with several suppliers of mechanical parts on plan. We put our network of contacts at your disposal to ensure you get the best value for money to ensure the success of your project. Our Supply Chain team is accustomed to managing large numbers of suppliers and tight schedules.

Service quality
Performance monitoring
Market indicators

Use cases

Project management: harnesses for a defense client

Defense Harness and wiring

Cable networks and harnesses for military applications require very specific knowledge.

For this project, our support to our client was not limited to providing production startup monitoring and ensuring product specifications compliance. The project manager intervened from the pre-industrialization phase to give our client-partner full visibility, and to alert on the risks associated with very tight deadlines. The issues of supplying electrical and electronic components were identified quickly and well in advance of production start-up. In collaboration with our purchasing service, our knowledge of industry standards allowed us to initiate procurements to ensure their availability for the production start and to find qualified alternatives. Finally, because we are uncompromising on compliance with the confidentiality and security imperatives of defense sector products, all measures were deployed internally to guarantee the protection of technical and contractual data for this project, as for all others in the defense sector.

At Sirail, our project managers are aware of these issues and directly involved in ensuring compliance with these specific requirements with the concerned departments such as legal and IT.

Data security Hard deadline Alternative solutions
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From design to production: development of a driver desk

Railway Driver desk

The deadlines imposed on our clients are sometimes tight and require external support to double the capacities of their own engineering department already mobilized on the project.

In this partnership, the specifications and functionalities of the control console were determined by the final client, with the ergonomics of the aluminum and metal structure, and the console panels made of non-modifiable composite materials. This strategic project for our client, a major player in the European rail sector, could not afford any delay and, of course, had to comply with all quality, technical, and safety standards. Our team of engineers, consisting of various specialists, developed all the electrical diagrams, the structures of the metal subassemblies, and ensured the proper compliance of the electronic elements of the control panels. The technical documentation was fully written and delivered, along with all the qualification tests and their reports. Once the prototype was validated, serial production began according to schedule. Throughout all stages of this project, our client could rely on our project manager, a true coordinator of work between our different departments and the preferred contact for our client’s teams. Project management involved thorough monitoring of development stages, as well as precise reporting on operational matters such as material procurement.

Involved from the development phase, his mastery of the product and his knowledge of the project are invaluable for managing changes in the industrial phase.

Conception Production Configuration management
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Why Sirail?

Multicultural team

Whatever the production site chosen, your project manager will coordinate internally while always keeping you up to date in your language.

Risk analysis and associated action plan

Our experience and our simple, reliable project management methodology for electrical and electromechanical systems mean that we can quickly identify the main risks to your project. Sirail will propose a plan of action and anticipation to prevent these risks, and plan Bs to resolve them.

Homologation and qualification management

Your technical and quality requirements are taken into account at the project start, and the quality plan details how we will attain together homologation and qualification of your product.

Flexibility and agility

For Sirail, a successful project is one that answers our customer’s needs. Our project managers adapt to your project and to your objectives. Our strength is our experience of complex and ambitious projects, whatever the product application, combined with our agility to offer solutions to unexpected situations. Our goal is always the same: your project’s successful outcome!

Chiffres clés

Project managers


Simultaneous projects




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