Sirail’s interventions on its clients’ sites: technical expertise at your disposal

Whether for assisting in the integration of our products on our clients’ lines, conducting upgrade campaigns due to configuration changes in subassemblies, or complete systems integrated into the final product on the assembly line, or even for maintenance, Sirail can intervene on your production lines.

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Trained and experienced wiring-assembly technicians

Our wiring-assembly technicians have training and expertise specifically recognized by our clients, major players in the European industry. Sirail brings this expertise to your service, at your site, on your production lines, to offer you maximum flexibility and adaptability, especially during the integration of the first series of electrical systems produced in our factories into your products, or in the case of significant modification campaigns or retrofits. Hiring Sirail ensures the required level of competence.

Electrical qualification
Technical skills
Sirail wiring-assembly technicians

From design to installation

From the design to the installation or integration of our electrical products into yours, Sirail offers a complete service, thus assuming full responsibility, in Quality, Costs, and Deadlines, over the entire value chain. A single supplier to bring you complete control and visibility.

Cost optimization
Deadline management

Control of configuration evolutions

Complex electrical systems are installed in the final products at the start of production, while their configuration evolves from the start of the first series. Sirail, an expert in electrical and electromechanical complexity, knows these contexts well. Our intervention teams are the wiring-assembly technicians who work on our production sites, so they are perfectly familiar with the products they need to work on. Using Sirail teams to apply the latest modifications on your assembly lines, which are, in parallel, applied in production at Sirail, ensures the correct configuration index at the right application rank.

Configuration management
Application of modifications
Control of configuration indices

Maintenance and repair

Maintenance and repair interventions by Sirail enable quick access to spare parts: electrical and electromechanical subassemblies, or even components and cables, are prepared by Sirail sites and made available to our intervention teams. Finally, because Sirail has complete technical knowledge of the products, our teams have all the useful documentation and the necessary experience for efficient and quick maintenance and repair missions.

Deadline control
Availability of spare parts
Component kitting
Product experience

Availability and speed

Our intervention teams are located at Sirail’s production sites, across 5 countries and 6 factories. They can intervene anywhere in Europe, at all the delivery addresses of our products. Wherever an electrical or electromechanical system manufactured by Sirail is delivered, you can call on our wiring-assembly team for any maintenance, repair, or configuration evolution intervention. At the request of our clients, we can also organize a team permanently on your site: thus, you have experienced technicians available 5 days out of 7, for optimal reactivity on your assembly lines.


Cas client

A Permanent After-Sales Service Team

Railway On-site integration

For several years, Sirail has provided a team of qualified technicians at the production site of one of our clients, available upon request from operational managers.


The missions of the Sirail team on products delivered by one of our sites are varied: from configuration management, to repair, or even the replacement of components that have become obsolete or damaged, maintenance campaigns on integrated products… Sirail takes charge of all electrical activities. The volume of hours is determined with the production managers of our client, and Sirail commits to providing the means to cover these needs. Our intervention team is fully integrated into our client’s production teams and works in full trust. The main benefit for our client is having immediately available technical skills in electrical and electromechanical systems.


This service combines the usual tasks of after-sales service with the more targeted tasks of on-demand interventions. This collaboration has lasted several years: its continuity illustrates the satisfaction and trust of our client.

After sales Immediate availability Technical expertise
Let's talk about your project

Why Sirail?

Spare Parts and Replacement Components

We have a dedicated service for the preparation and shipment of spare parts (components or semi-finished products). All standard components and cables that make up your product are kept in stock and shipped within a very short timeframe.

Support Services for After-Sales Service Interventions

All of Sirail’s support services can be mobilized as needed for the intervention mission: method service, component supplier networks, logistics service, supply of ready-to-install replacement electrical systems…

Complete Knowledge of Products

Our intervention teams are made up of wiring-assembly technicians who also participate in the product production. The technicality of the products is known and mastered, components identified, and quality requirements already assimilated. This guarantees the efficiency of the interventions.

Key figures

Intervention teams




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    Want to know more?

    Convinced by our expertise chain? Contact us and let’s discuss your project together. Need support with maintenance, retrofit, or repair of your equipment? No worries, Sirail Services is here for you. Otherwise, learn more by clicking on another section.

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